Tuesday 24 April 2012

Monday 24th April 2012

Today CB, CD, CO, FBW, JE, LC,  LW, MH and MO  met up with FMcG. We worked on MSWLogo again. 

CD discovered  to erase you type 'PENERASE' and retrace your steps. To go back to drawing you type 'PENNORMAL'.

We also discovered:

  • repeat 4 [fd 100 rt 90]  .... will draw a square

  • To create a procedure eg Square
    • Type in 'to square'
    • 1st box  = repeat 4 [fd 100 lt 90]
    • 2nd box = end 

  • To create a variable procedure eg Square 
    • Type in 'to square :length'
    • 1st box = repeat 4 [fd 100 rt 90]
    • 2nd box = end

Monday 16 April 2012

Monday 16th April 2012

Today CB, CD, LC and FBW met with FMcG. We discussed logo, and found out useful demands:

  • fd = forward
  • bk = back
  • rt = right turn
  • lt = left turn
  • pu = pen up
  • pd = pen down
  • cs = clear screen
  • home = start
  • arc ..(degree).. ..(radius)

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Monday 26th March 2012

Today CB, LC, JE, MH, AM, FBW and FMcG met up, and looked at a new program called 'MSWLogo'. This program lets you learn more about programming language, in which you draw shapes etc, using angles and commands such as forward and turning.

CB found this cool demand ......    Repeat 103 [fd 20 bk 30 rt 57 lt 50 circle 200]                 (as depicted above)

Saturday 31 March 2012

Monday 5th March 2012

Today was a small meeting of LC, AM, MH, MO, FW and FMcG.

  • We spoke to FMcG's husband through skype. 
  • We viewed MH's brilliant Scratch entry

Monday 17th February

Today CD, CB, LC, JE, MH, AM, FBW, FW, CO met with FMcG.

We got a good demonstration from FBW on using Tumblr. She explained it is handy because if you cant get on very often, you can queue up blogs to post in the future automatically.

CB also gave us a useful twitter demonstration. She told us:
gh - takes you home
gp - takes you to your profile
gm - takes you to your messages

Monday 20th February 2012

Today CB, CD, LC, JE, AM, FBW, MH met with FMcG. We spoke about mind maps and how handy they can be for study, writing essays etc. FMcG demonstrated an app called 'Maptini' in which we made a spider diagram on an ipad.

We also looked at some cool but random.... (VERY RANDOM!) things on the internet. Including:
1.http://vimeo.com/36673515 - Mr Happy Man
2.http://foodonmydog.com/  - Food On My Dog
3.http://www.tokyogoodidea.com/bonsai-b- Bonsai Tree creations

Friday 30 March 2012

Monday 6th February 2012 - GOOGLE TRICK

Today CB, CD, LC, JE and AM met with FMcG. We spoke about random.. but cool phrases to type into google:
1. "Do a barrel roll" and watch the screen spin
2. "Askew" and watch the screen tilt
3. "Chuck Norris" and press I'm feeling lucky.... apparently he can only find you :D