Monday 19 December 2011

20. Monday 19th December 2011

Today was out last meeting on 2011. CB, CD, CO,  FW, JE,  LC, MH, and MO along with FMcG welcomed our newest member to the group. (AM)

Confessions Corner:

AM: I joined Computer club because...... “I love computers! And I love my computer buddies!” J

RC + KO: Are mystery member, with zero attendance or contribution..... where are they now? We can only make assumptions of their existence.....

LY, LMcK and ES: are on probation for not attending club regularly. They have been informed via email.

We want to say a very sad goodbye to two of our ex-members. MB and MJ! You two will be greatly missed.

From everyone in the club we would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! And I, CD, would like to say a huge thank you to everyone in the club for making it such a fun thing to be part of. J  

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