Wednesday 26 October 2011

2. 24th May 2011 – first five classes

Today CB, CD, FBW, JE, LC and MB spent the first five classes of the day (9 – 12.30) in computer room 13. We:
1.      Uninstalled old antivirus.
2.      Installed a new antivirus
3.      Ran updates
4.      Installed google chrome etc on the computers

We learnt the importance in never installing a new antivirus before checking there is no old antivirus on the PC.
The room was a real mess with broken earphones, papers, leads and missing mouse mats. We removed all the broken earphones, papers and replaced all the mouse mats. We checked the mice, a number of these didn’t work, so we fixed them up them replacing the balls for the ones we could. We then replaced the rest of the unfixable mice. 

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