Wednesday 26 October 2011

4. Monday 30th May 2011 – all day

Today, CB, CD, FBW, JE, LC MB, KP and FMcG collected our laptop from the previous day and two more laptops each. We finished our first laptop and started on the next two. We had to do the exact same to more of the laptops as we did the first day:
1.      Registering laptops.
2.      Uninstalling Microsoft Office 2010 trial and McAffee.
3.      Installing Microsoft Antivirus online.
4.      Installing a Microsoft Office 2010
5.      Uninstalling unnecessary programs off the laptops, such as Bing, Amazon, and Ebay.
6.      Checking for updates and turning on automatic updates.
7.      Setting up back up on the laptops.
8.      Downloading Google Chrome.

Confessions corner:

FB‘I’m not worried about my maths summer exam’

CB‘I’m super organised today.... NOT! Missed my bus, and dad made me wait outside for a lift them gave out to me for not being collected.’

KPhas uncharitable thoughts

FMcG nearly dropped a power lead on a new laptop

MB – ‘my laptop went flapping in the wind, due to carelessness’

CD – ‘I do not read books’

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