Wednesday 26 October 2011

6. Monday 8th June 2011 – Laptop trolley 2

Today CB, CD, FBW, JE, KM, LC and MB came into school for a few hours during our summer holiday to help out our teacher FMcG and KP. We had to uninstall the old out of date antivirus on one of the school laptop trolleys, delete all the students’ user accounts and install updates. This didn’t run too smoothly as there was a problem with the router, but once we plugged the laptops straight into the internet sources we managed to get our work done.  Today was a very happy day for the club as we welcomed back KM into the club after being in hospital with appendicitis.

Confessions corner:

 We left a mess behind us, forcing FMcG to make the rule of no leaving mess behind us. 

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