Monday 7 November 2011

12. Monday 26th September 2011

Today we met up twice, at lunch and in the evening after school. With great regret CB, CD, CO, FBW, FW, JE, LC, LY, MB, MH, MJ and FMcG had so say goodbye to our beloved member,  KM.... farewell! We also welcomed three new members though. KO, LMcK and RC. During these two meeting we worked on our projects in our groups. We all agreed to set up our own gmail accounts.

Confessions corner:

MB: Was absent
MJ: Somehow fell off her chair. How we do not know, however it was quite amusing to watch!
CD: ‘Sorry for letting the club down in the evening, I couldn’t get a lift in or back home. I now realise I should have rang the school to arrange for a lift.’

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