Monday 7 November 2011

9. Monday 12th September 2011 – Scratch Discussions

Today CB, CD, FBW, JE, LC, KM, MB, MH and FMcG welcomed another two new members , FW and LY. We researched Scratch, a simple programming software used to create music, games, stories etc online. We watched the a few video tutorials online. KP also came in to ask us for help with the Antivirus on computers in room 13. FMcG gave out lollies and pencils! J
Confessions corner:

FW: ‘This is my first day and I am the only fourth year here. I hardly know anyone here.’
MB: Was late, and had no folder for IT!
LY: Arrived at 1:15pm, and was warned by FMcG it was her last chance.

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