Monday 7 November 2011

8. Monday 31st August 2011 – First Computer Club Meeting of the School year

Today CB, CD, FBW, JE, LC, KM and MB along with FMcG welcomed a new member MH. During the meeting we discussed what we did over the summer and we spoke about our favourite apps. 


CB: ‘I spent the summer in Wexford by the beach. JE and LC stayed for a week. (POOR ME!) I went to fleadh in Cavan, we went from pub to pub every night with my cousin playing music.’

CD: ‘I passed my driving theory test and got 40/40! I went to England for a few days to visit my grandparents, and of course..... when we were there.... I went shopping! Also, I spent a lot of my summer doing art. I drew two portraits of an English singer, and put it up on twitter! The singer saw them and asked me to sign them and send them to him!!’

FBW: ‘During the summer in 2011, I mostly babysat. I babysat this girl Heather at Easter and it became a regular gig during the summer. It was early starts (7am) and long days (till 5pm), but at least I had income! Not much time to spend it though. But I went up to Dublin to meet some friends which was cool. I also planned my 17th birthday party which is in 2ish weeks. Oh and I had my youth group to! I also got much better at the guitar! And drew and read. I didn’t really do that much though!’

JE: ‘I spent most of my summer in my Aunt’s house when I wasn’t there, I was either in Switzerland, Kerry, in Wexford with CB, (NOT THAT SHE WAS HAPPY ABOUT IT!) or camping in Cork.

LC: ‘I spent the summer in Wexford with CB and JE for a hole week. My dad built a new dentist place in Port Laoise. I stayed at a family friends house in Port Laoise for a week. I also went to Dublin Zoo and shopping in Dublin.

KM: ‘I spend a month in Kilmucridge, county Wexford with family and friends. My cousin came home from England for two weeks and we spent the time going to different amusement parks in Ireland.

MB: ‘During summer, I spent far too much time sleeping and going on the internet. I also went to Oxegen festival for a day with two of my friends. I also went on a four day holiday to Clones in Monaghan with my family.

                               Favourite Apps:
v    Whatsapp
v    Shazam
v    Twitter
v    Angry Birds
v    Facebook
v    Youtube
v    Tumblr
v    Skype
v    Instagram

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